Monday, April 22, 2013


APRIL 21st -

The morning started with windy cool 40 degree weather. We headed to the marsh at 9:00, several Hawk sightings on route 2 east. Our intention was to go to the driving trail at Ottawa but we pulled into the marsh and immediately saw 2 eagles by the boardwalk entrance, followed by a yellow hooded warbler... needless to say, we stayed at the marsh before going to the driving trail. High temp for the afternoon 51 degrees. Good birding! 

Please help identify the birds with question marks, if you see a bird that is not identified properly let us know so we can correct our record. Thanks for the help!

Hooded Warbler

Eagle in flight
Bald Eagle by nest

Canadian geese family

Great Blue Heron
Great Blue Heron

Trumpeter Swan ???

Great Egret

Palm Warbler
Black and White Warbler

Female Red Wing Black Bird

Help identify this bird, Hermit Thrush ???

Blue Hooded Vireo

Yellow rumped Warbler

Northern Flicker

Horned Grebe

Double Crested Cormorant

Great Egret

Blue Heron

Pine Warbler ????

Is this the Gnatcatcher???

Rough Wings Swallow


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