Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Magee Marsh on Memorial Day

May 27th -

The temperature was 60 degrees with cloudy skies and rain to the south of the lake and light clouds over the lake. The winds were constantly changing. I didn't arrive at the marsh until 9:00a.m. and could only stay for an hour and a half (had to get back home for a family picnic...) but it's always worth it to catch a couple more feathered friends before the season closes. I can enjoy my backyard birds year round however I enjoy walking the trails searching for the next new bird, I love it!

Is this a Rusty Backbird??


Yellow Warbler

Brown Thrasher

Brewers Blackbird

Sunday, May 19, 2013

OUR BACKYARD BIRDS, Migration updates, various warblers.

MAY 18th and 19th -

Many birds the last 2 days, yesterday 72 degrees, winds changing direction, today 79 degree's. A large variety of birds on the creek edge lining the yard. We don't need to leave home to follow the warbler migration!

Baltimore Oriole

Oriole bathing, male

House Wren (building nest)

Female Cardinal

Blue Jay "anting"

White Breasted Nuthatch

Wilson Warbler

Red start

Magnolia Warbler

Bay Breasyed Warbler

Ruby -throated Hummingbird



Blue jay eating suet

Ruby throated

Canada Warbler

House Wren

Yellow bellied sapsucker

Philadelphia Vireo

Nuthatch guarding suet

Wilson again

Chestnut sided Warbler

Raccoon stealing suet


Bay- Breasted

Canada Warbler

Immature male Oriole

Cat bird

European Starling

Female Cardinal ready for a swim in the pool

Ruby throated Hummingbird


Friday, May 10, 2013

Final Days of Birding Vacation, Great Trip! More photo's added on the end of post.

May 9th and 10th -

Jaz and Jill 
The week started off with a large variety of birds on Friday 5/3/13, the wind shifted and the birds were not as plentiful later in the week, but it was still a great week with multiple siting's. Today the wind shifted again and the birds were back... nice ending to a great week.
 The next couple of weekends should be busy with migrants and the people who love to follow them.

John and Jaz
Belted King Fisher

Scarlet Tanager

Warbling Vireo

Marsh Wren

Yellow Billed Cuckoo

Yellow billed Cuckoo

Female Grosbeak

Marsh Wren

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-tailed Hawk guarding

Red-tailed Hawk in flight

Tundra Swan
Red start
Indigo-bunting (evidence only) 
Female Oriole
Male Oriole

Female Blackburnian
Female Red Wing black bird
Common Yellowthroat
Great Blue Herron
A closer look

Black billed Cuckoo