Tuesday, April 16, 2013


APRIL 15th -

     Nice day, sunny all morning and in the afternoon the sun peaked out from the clouds often. My mom, aunt, and myself were all off today. Needless to say they're trying to teach me to use the cameras. So when you see a not so crisp picture....that would be me. It seems we see a new bird to the yard daily now. Today we saw the gnatcatcher and an eastern towhee. The kinglets continue to jump around all the pine trees and vines on the property. If we haven't described the property before my aunt lives in Amherst. Beaver creek and acres of woods right out back. The yards are full of pines, large trees, vines, lilac, berry trees and even a plum tree. Here's my list for today: red-bellied woodpecker, junco, house sparrow, wood duck, chickadee, cardinal, white-throated sparrow, blue jay, Carolina wren, goldfinch, house finch, white-breasted nuthatch, downy woodpecker, great blue heron, song sparrow, brown creeper, morning dove, red-breasted nuthatch, robin, European starling, golden-crowned kinglet, brown-headed cowbird, American crow, hairy woodpecker, northern flicker, titmouse, yellow-bellied sapsucker, purple finch, chipping sparrow, turkey vulture, red-tailed hawk, blue-gray gnatcatcher, Canadian goose, mallard duck, eastern towhee .
blue-gray gnatcatcher
yellow-bellied sapsucker

white-breasted nuthatch

male finch singing and "dancing" for the female

female wood duck

golden-crowned kinglet

eastern towhee
male wood duck

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